On my way to Plymouth I called in to Lodmoor to see the long staying long-billed dowitcher. It was a little more colourful in summer plumage:
Long-billed dowitcher, an American wader |
Also present were some bar-tailed godwits in breeding plumage:
Bar-tailed godwit. The worm was taken and washed before being eaten |
Bar-tailed godwit. You can see the barring on the tail. |
some whitethroats:
Common whitethroat. |
some sedge warblers:
Sedge warbler |
a magpie which tried out the post used by kingfishers:
Magpie |
and a kingfisher, shown here leaving the nest:
Kingfisher leaving the nest |
and here on the usual post:
Kingfisher |
Makes me want to go back in a couple of weeks when the young are out!
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